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3 New Featurettes...& Then Some

Bukowski at the Huntington — In 2006 Bukowski’s wife, Linda Lee, donated a considerable Bukowski archive to the prestigious Huntington Library. We offer selections from Celebrating Bukowski, an event presented by the Huntington officially welcoming Bukowski’s papers. Features talks, reminiscences and readings by admirers, friends and family, (Neeli Cherkovski's presentation is terrific), as well as an interview with Sue Hodson, Curator of Literary Manuscripts.

Behind the Making of Bukowski: Born Into This — An in-depth interview with filmmaker John Dullaghan, director of the definitive Bukowski documentary, about the making of Born Into This. Also includes selections from the film including poems read by Bono; Tom Waits; and Bukowski’s publisher, John Martin, reading Bukowski’s last poem; and a poem read by John Dullaghan.

Love, Bukowski, Selected Scenes — Performances of three Bukowski poems from the play as presented by the California Repertory Company as well as comments by Joanne Gordon, who conceived and directed Love, Bukowski, and was nominated for a 2005 LA Drama Critics Award for best adaptation; and the company won a special LADCA award.

Also The Vancouver Gang, a mini-documentary of the 25th anniversary screening of the Vancouver reading. 

The Producers Interviews with the producers of both films, Dennis Del Torre, who knew Buk very well,  & Jon Monday, and music-business legend Denny Bruce, producer of the Redondo Beach reading and the Hostage CD.

Inscriptions of a Dirty Old Man — Dennis Del Torre's collection of inscriptions on Buk books from Buk

The Vancouver Letters Dennis Del Torre's collection of letters from Buk to arrange the Vancouver reading and beyond.

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